Monday, 5 May 2008

RSS & Co.

One of my students asked me how I keep up with conferences and journals.
Here are the resources I use:

RSS feeds
I subscribe to the blogs of a few people in my research area, and to ILPS PhD Resources of course. But I find RSS feeds the most useful for keeping up with journals. Some of the journals I subscribe to are:
  • Computational Linguistics, from MIT Press (current issue | RSS feed)
  • Information Processing & Management, from Elsevier (current issue | RSS feed). This is the only journal RSS feed that doesn't include article abstracts, which makes it a lot less useful than the other ones.
  • Information Research, privately published (current issue | RSS feed)
  • Information Retrieval, from Springer (current issue | RSS feed). I subscribe to a lot of journals from Springer, but I'm too lazy to look up all the links. Here are just the names: "Cognition, Technology & Work", "Computer Supported Cooperative Work", "Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery", "Minds and Machines", "Pattern Analysis and Applications", "User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction", "World Wide Web".
  • JASIS&T (Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology),
    from Wiley InterScience (current issue | RSS feed)
  • Library Quarterly, from Chicago Journals (current issue | RSS feed)
mailing lists
The usefulness of these varies, some mainly have conference announcements, others have lively discussions. I'm not posting the addresses, most of these you can find on the web, or email me.
  • Corpora-List
  • SIG-IRList
  • SIKS (I think people get subscribed to this one when they join the SIKS school)
  • um (User Modeling, through Yahoo! Groups)
  • webir (Yahoo! Groups)
Google Calendar
There's a Google calendar called "Information Retrieval & Web Mining Conference Dates". It includes submission deadlines and conference dates. I'm not sure how to create a link to this, but you'll find it if you search for the name in Google's public calendars.

What do you use to keep up with these things? What mailing lists and RSS feeds do you subscribe to?


Katja said...

Jana would like to post the following comment:

Thanks, that's extremely helpful! Here are some more journals I subscribe to (all springer):

"Quality and Quantity"
"AI & Society"
"Computers and the Humanities"
"Computer Supported Cooperative work"

Another site I like to look at is

Unknown said...

I am subscribed to the Corpora and Elsnet mailinglists.